Frank Luca Creative Co.

The Last Factotum Show

JP Lancaster (of At Mission Dolores)

Backed up by Bridal Party

Tim the Mute & his first time in Kamloops

Bridal Party (Victoria, BC)

Telling secrets

This past Thursday night, Factotum CO. held it’s last show under this banner. For the past three years, JP Lancaster (of At Mission Dolores) has been putting on various live events in Kamloops & other parts of the Okanagan. I’ve been there firsthand to witness & photograph countless live bands, festivals, album release shows, social gatherings and things of the like.

On this particular Thursday, JP opened the night with a solo performance of songs he’s crafted since he formed AMD over two years ago. Second to take the stage was Tim the Mute (Tim Clapp who runs the Kingfisher Bluez label out of Vancouver, BC.) who delivered an unexpectedly hilarious set of songs. Finally, Victoria, BC’s Bridal Party, who have just recently released their excellent debut LP “Too Much”, played an impressive set, which I’ve just come to expect as the norm from them at this point. Seriously, if you haven’t listened to them yet, you should do so now.

Words don’t really do the show justice, but hopefully through my photos you can grasp a sense of the atmosphere of the evening. Ultimately, I hope it’s recognized that October 10th should be remembered as a historic evening within the Kamloops music scene. 

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